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A Letter Of Happiness

Author: Aditi Lahiry

Dear Women

I write this to every woman who would read this. I want you all to remember that each of us have unique potential. Try to spend more time with yourself. Pen your thoughts in your journals everyday.

This will help you to be more aware of your day to day actions. It will tell you about how you reacted on a given day ,to a particular situation.
Later when you get a chance to read it up , you will realise that you have actually overreacted in many situations . It will help you to understand not to overjudge anyone or spend too much time in overthinking. Don’t ever be harsh to yourself.

Be kind and caring towards yourself, because only through this you will be able to give your soul the strength and love which can always be given best only by you. Try to lend a helping hand to others. Treat them the way you would want others to treat you.

Be a source of inspiration to other women , who have lost to ability to dream . Ignite a spark of hope . Sow the seeds of happiness in your mind first by taking out time for yourself everyday. Be selfish, for its not a crime to keep your dreams on your priority list each day. Keep trying to explore a new area of interest. Remember that failure is not a crime. In fact it is good to fail for it shows you have the ability to stand up and start walking on a new path everyday.
Give your self a treat once in a while . Go out on a solo trip, buy yourself a special gift, learn a new skill ,spend time with all those people who make you feel happy. All this will help you to grow up and stay happy always.

Each one of us is unique and special. Lets highlight our strengths today . Lets work together to help us identify our hidden potentials . Together ,if we try we will build a better world for each other. We will learn to live with dignity and give dignity to each other in this way.

Hopes and Dreams to you,

Aditi Lahiri

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