Author : Swati Mohandas Tamhankar

Day in and day out we all try our best to achieve our goals in life; be it personal or on the professional front. However, how many of us simply concentrate on the bigger goal and ignore the small achievements that we conquer on a daily basis?
We have been conditioned to celebrate the big milestones and achievements, belittling the little wins along the way.
Celebrating the smaller successes in day-to-day life is the ‘mantra’ for growth. Those little wins, no matter how small they are, they keep you motivated and gives your confidence a boost. Enjoying such achievements releases invigorating ‘feel-good‘ chemicals like dopamine, which fill you with a sense of accomplishment and pride. Not only does this give you a good feeling but it also encourages you to keep going and build that momentum.
Tips to celebrate small achievements –
a. Don’t pressure yourself – strict deadlines on your goals can lead to potential feelings of failure, even when there are small victories along the way.
b. Track your progress – tracking your progress will remind you of how far you’ve come in achieving your goal.
c. Change your perspective – when we focus too much on the end goal, it can seem too far away to get to.
d. Break down large goals into smaller ones – make sure you create small, achievable goals that will allow you to see your progress more clearly. Facing the large goal our minds can slip into the habit of procrastination. Smaller goals can help avoid this.
Learning how to celebrate small wins is key if you want to keep up your motivation while pursuing your goals. Each time you mark off a milestone, find a way to celebrate whether it’s adding a star to that day on your calendar or treating yourself to your favorite ice cream or simply sharing your joy with a friend.
To sum it up, my point of view is, ” it’s a myth that we are only successful once we have reached that elusive goal. Goals are hard work and you deserve a treat as you work towards them.”