Author: Swati Mohandas

Polly` was the name written on the cat bowl. The lady of the house poured some milk into it and called out to her cat, `Polly! Polly!
Whizzing past the lady, Polly rushed towards her bowl and lapped up the bowl of milk. The lady – Mrs Sen was in her mid-70s and woke up each morning to breathe the new hope that is lurking around the corner.
Mrs Sen always had a fondness for felines but couldn’t enjoy being with Polly as her husband, the late Mr Sen loathed even their sight.
Dust is settled on every corner of her empty house now. The paint on the walls has faded and looks bleak. The nonchalant look on Mrs Sen`s face is just a façade. She has to keep it to get going in life.
Due to her age, she can hardly move around the big house. Her maidservant looks after all the work but she leaves as soon as the sun sets. The lone lady craves companion and she has to do with her cat, Polly. After her husband`s death she has realized Polly`s warmth. Her bed doesn’t seem so empty as she rests her head on Polly`s soft fur.
Quivering and trepidation have never left the old lady`s side since her husband passed away. She could only offer shaky warmth and affection to Polly, who would return the same love to her lady.
Each night, she sleeps with a secret yearning to join her husband in heaven. She awaits death hoping it is just around the corner and wants Polly to accompany her to the other side of the world too.
This is so heartwarming, loved it a lot