Author : Amrita Mallik
Monsoon and Health
I can’t tell about everyone but I never liked monsoons. It dampens my mood and enervates me. Besides the cold winds and occasional showers demand fritters. I greedily savour them only to face breakouts on my face and needless to say, an increase in weight.
However, in recent times, thanks to exposure through social media, I have understood the necessity of good health. I have gone through critical diseases, contracting the highly viral of the recent times. I have even been crestfallen by the loss of one of my closest ones. And, all these have taught me to practice ‘health is wealth’.
Here are some tips I do it myself to beat the monsoon blues and keep myself fit and healthy:
• Since fitness has become a part of my life, I tend not to miss the workouts. I have always been an indoor person so now I am utilising my 24 hours in a more productive way. Workout is the first thing I do before I start my day, especially the weekends. I also prefer to break it up to suit my schedule for the day. So, a 20-min exercise during the break of my son’s online classes or a 30-minute at 4.00 or 5.00 pm. Needless to say, it fuels my energy and keeps my metabolism going. Thanks to Youtube I have got addicted to working out.
• Thanks to corona junk or street side food is a strict no-no. Moreover, whether monsoon or not, I prefer local and seasonal fruits and vegetables. Also, healthy swaps like homemade chutneys instead of sauces, or hung curd dip instead of mayonnaise are really beneficial. I am really indebted to Rujuta Diwekar and several fitness influencers who harp on simplifying diet. Go with the flow wisely and you won’t regret.
• Monsoon is the season of infections and allergies. However, adequate nutrition and regular exercise keep all these troubles at bay. Increasing Vitamin C intake through food first, and later supplements, is one of the easiest ways to take care of this season.
• Mosquitoes are a nuisance during this time. Hence, I avoid stagnant or contaminated water. Now almost every home has RO water, so it is preferable safe and hygienic for drinking purpose. Besides, I add disinfectant in bathing
water for all-day freshness. And, mosquito repellent comes handy to avoid bites.
• Finally, every human body needs recovery. Proper hydration, less caffeine and digital use offers me sound sleep and adequate rest. This bolsters immunity and prevents flu and common cold.
Besides, practising a hobby like, reading book and listening to music with the drizzle outside are heavenly.

Touchwood, by following the afore-said tricks I have minimised my propensity to fall ill. Moreover, I can even relish the kanda-bhajis and bread pakodas without any guilt.
What I have learnt and witnessed is that consistently built good habits make both the mind and the body agile, and functioning for a long time.
And, that certainly what ‘independence’ is all about – standing on own’s two feet..