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Communication in Relationships #Communication #Talks #Marriage

Author: Anindita Bhattacharya

#Communication #Relationships

Who and when discovered languages?Without them the dumb world would be hard to live in. Communication makes life easy.

I loved a person once to the moon and back. I expressed my feelings. Over the years we got married but poor or infact no communication from his side ( well he is not dumb) soured our relationship.

Its a tree dead from roots decorated from outside. I want to say a lot, cry a lot, but I am dumb, my eyes are dry. The relationship is suffocating me every moment, freedom from it is stopped by certain prejudices.

To live like a butterfly is my only dream which will never come true. Well what I have realized is that a balanced communication is always important. Too much or too less is never good. Love or hate, like or dislike all needs communication. Dumbness leads to numbness.

I am going beyond my limits in search of an extended hand which I miss terribly. But love is dead without arguments, communication, the salt sweet sour and bitterness of it. So love it to live it.

But I never give up. I wake up every morning with a hope to renew that lost spark. Hope he communicates to make us happier and make our love win.

When the rainbow shines over the horizon a new hope spreads after rain.

2 thoughts on “Communication in Relationships #Communication #Talks #Marriage”

  1. Brilliant.
    Very touchy story.
    I am so impressed to read the story
    that it can’t be expressed in any words.
    Thank you Anindita for such most touchy story.

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