Author : Anindita Bhattacharya

I am writing this letter to offer my gratitude, my namaskar to you. I am a proud daughter of you who always carries you in heart.
When I had to leave you some 6 years ago, I had so much dilemma. But the call of Karmabhoomi could never separate me from Matribhoomi. Wherever I went or wherever I will go in future, you will always be my priority. I am your beloved daughter who loves you from core of my heart.
Be it independance day, Diwali or Dusshera, Eid or Muharram, Christmas or Guru Nanak Jayanti, Buddha Purnima or Republic Day we never forget to deck up in traditional attire. We are one of those millions of Indians who had to leave motherland for job transfers or work related issues.
But I , one of your daughters, become voice of those millions and say to you,” Ma we all carry you in our hearts.
When my country gets a medal in Olympic, “Jana Gana Mana” plays,we stand up, somewhere our eyes gets moistened up. We love you ma, we miss you ma, every moment, in every spheres of life.
We respect you, we represent you proudly wherever we go. Love for nation, respect for nation can also be bestowed upon by staying away. We are called NRI ( NON RESIDENT INDIANS) who do not reside in India but carries India in their hearts. The love, the culture, the heritage of India are so diversified and rich,we are proud to carry it across the seas to some new countries.
So Ma give us strength and wisdom, so that we can carry the love wherever we are, your fragnance we carry with us always.
Your beloved proud daughter,
JAI HIND!! ????????
I am overwhelmed.
It is very much heart touching write up.
It is Brilliant writing.