Author: Anindita Bhattacharya

“ETERNAL”, the word itself says so much, anything that is immortal. I do not know any such thing, which last forever, well after saying this, I might be rejected from the getting my blog published. But someone,somewhere will read this, understand too, yes no thing, no relation, no moment can be eternal. In the ocean of time our existence is NOTHING. We live our life, cry, laugh, enjoy, make memories in this NOTHING. May be my perception is not correct, but I feel like that love, life,relation, happiness, sadness, nothing yes
” NOTHING” is eternal. But that does not end the meaning of life which blooms in all vibrant colors after a storm. So lets live it to the fullest without any regret because NOTHING even this second is not eternal.
Some will deny with my view, I will accept it, but my view cannot be changed. Look back to your life, see yourself,the happiest moment or the saddest one, the love, the breakups, the ups and downs, the sunshine or the clouds, all were momentary. The Gita says , ” Aatma” or soul is eternal. But I will be no more I in my next life, so how can I recognize my Aatma. So I might be wrong but for me the word ”eternal” is an imaginary word.