Author: Anindita Bhattacharya

Dear Mr. Chaudhury,
We met just 24 years 6months 27 days ago. You came like a storm in my life destroying my calmness carrying away all my prejudices nurtured since childhood.
Though approached by few classmates in reputed co-ed school I declined all proposals since my upbringing was in an orthodox family. I met you in college when we were staying far away from parents in hostel.
You made me feel special, with you I sensed the colors of petals, felt for first time how much I love the smell of petrichor.
With you I drenched in heavy downpour, with you I bunked classes, with you I spent my youth so fresh.
We married inspite of so many arguments from both families. I never took my career seriously feeling it might hurt your ego. Yes I understood by that time you had ego. But you were never a bad guy, sometimes you did bad things.
You remember in our early marriage days how much I was childish to think me a part of your family. I was a very overprotectected and overpampered only child of my parents. You promised me you will keep me happy.
But why tears are rolling from eyes while writing this? Can you answer my dear husband? I have the answer- my heart is frozen. I do not love you anymore. I moved from one city to another, one country to another with you hoping you will stop taking side of your family every time. But after long years I have realized you are right.
Everyone supports his family. With you and me there was no family. You were always and would always be an entity of that family. I will ask you one last question,” Why you dreamt with me? Why you froze my heart?”
Thanks and hugs.
Yours only.
About the Author

I am Anindita Bhattacharya, residing at Singapore for 5 years, by profession an Electronics and Communication Engineer, presently quited job to enjoy time with my teenage daughter, writing is my passion.
I loved writing since childhood, presently a blogger associated with various online writing platforms.