Author: Kanisha Shah

Life moves on
Sometimes on farthest pace
Moment of laughter, love, fight
Feeling of bliss and delight
And Sometimes through unexpected phase
Phase of sad inside, being alone
Dull face, and happiness gone
Sometimes tug of war between mind and conscience
Sometimes shade and light, hope and despair
Life is short for grudges to grow
Spoilers of happiness just throw
Most time it causes unrest
Let it go as it seems best
Walk through the storm to find peace
Think through to accomplish ease
Painful it is but life moves on
Heart so cold, nothing can be won
Learn from nature, like every season
Shed, grow and move on for healthy reason
If single day waste in misery and moaning
Then never will same day come with fresh morning
With mindfulness and inner child alive dance and sing
Spread the light and fly with thy wings
Laugh as energy is within to do it
Those opportunities, difficult to meet.
Apologise that’s mindfulness
Forgiveness with heart, invite happiness
Good or bad, likes and dislikes, hate and love, fear and courage, starting and endings, damage and recovery, agreements and disagreements, birth and death can happen in life
Yet with them, we must learn to live and thrive
Everytime life takes the patience test
Pass it by cherishing the best, discarding the rest
Humans not perfect they commit blunders
Even on very fine day, we hear thunder
Everyone has to go through all the trials
Flow like river as life will not wait ,goes on
Humans change and perish, mortal we are born
Despite of all these, life moves on.
Wonderful dear! ❤