Author: Swati Mohandas

Title – Logic & Emotions
Hmmm, Logic or emotions??? Which one to choose -Reasons or feelings? Head or heart? Some of us prefer the logical side while some, the emotional one. It depend on the individual’s perspective.
Healthy living isn’t all logic or all emotion but a smooth and optimal blend of both. Neither logic nor emotions is better than the other. They work best when used together. They are two sides of the same coin.
The ‘head’ our conscious, rational, logical thought process takes time and reaches decisions in an analytical way. While the ‘heart’ uses emotions like joy, sadness, love, anger and so on.
We, humans have our own rules, ethics and morals according to which we make choices. Sometimes we have to change ourselves to fit in the situation while sometimes others change the situation to fit them.
Emotionally driven lives have notable flaws. Too much sensitivity creates chaos. When you are emotionally charged in a situation, it is difficult to see what is real and true. That’s why its crucial to look at the facts logically. Emotions are abstract and fleeting whereas the facts of a situation remain fixed.
To sum it up, my point of view is that balancing logic and emotions is an ongoing practice. Treat your emotions logically and your logic emotionally and you will develop really amazing cognitive, judgemental and philosophical capabilities.
Love and embrace your emotions but at the same time have a strong sense of logic as well.
About the Author:

Swati Mohandas is Philosophy graduate and a certified computer professional from Mumbai. She took a break from full-time career after a decade.
Literature always fancied her and she pens down short stories, blogs, poems and has forayed into freelancing.
When not writing, She enjoy exploring the outdoors or scanning local bookstores. She resides in Pune along with her loving husband and two adorable; tween and teen daughters.