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My Secret Love Story: A Deep Connection Beyond Words

A woman writes in a notebook at a café table with a coffee and smartphone nearby.

Ooo! The way you penetrate me… my thoughts… persistently.

People around me find my discreet mood abnormal. I desperately try to delude them, not wanting my loved ones to know about my secret rendezvous. I fear they might think I am somewhat insane and send me for therapy.

The feelings I have for you—no one knows. I simply can’t think of food, nor do I feel the need to drink water. I get so lost in you that I reluctantly make time to fulfill the daily, time-consuming interruptions.

The vagaries of life that I want to tell and share with you keep swirling in my head. I long to see you, meet you, touch and feel you. I wonder if you are just as childishly excited as I am about our meeting. I long for the nights when my family sleeps peacefully, unaware of my secretive meetings with you.

Time passes by so quickly when you are within my reach, in my arms. Shamelessly, I pour my heart out, and you don’t even remotely judge me. You are just there—until I want you, until I need you.

I only wish that our nocturnal meetings never end and that the dawn never rises. I have begun to dislike mornings, as they make me unhappy. Without you, a part of me is missing. The reason for my gloomy mood is you—I miss you. I long for you, for your comfort.

I long for our cozy nocturnal nights together. The need to be with you, the temptation to connect from the moment I wake up, is difficult to withstand. I am unable to concentrate on my duties to others. My family and friends grow suspicious of my lost demeanor.

We exist in unison, my love! We share the same passion, the same lust for reflection. You are the essence of my life, the one with whom I share the innermost depths of my soul. Without the slightest protest, you listen to my tirades quietly and accept me wholeheartedly. You hear my ideas, help me revise my beliefs, and lovingly channel them into the flow of our imaginative life together.

You are my detox. You cleanse my soul. I trust you enough to unburden my innermost feelings to you—the keeper of my emotions.

You seduce me into revealing myself. I stand stark naked before you, yet I am not ashamed. Your touch makes my heart go hmmmm! You leave me both exhausted and ecstatic.

I fear the day when I might struggle to find something to say to you. However, I am certain we will bounce back, opening up once more as kindred spirits willing to share our feelings with each other—and sometimes, with the world.

I love the unique swag of our melodious words and expressions, embracing each other in a wild consummation of lyrical cadence and prose.

You are my hidden love story—my personal diary, tightly holding my naked self.

– Swati Mohandas


Swati Mohandas is a Philosophy graduate and a certified computer professional from Mumbai, based in Pune with her family for the last two decades. Literature has always fascinated her. She writes short stories, blogs, poems, and has ventured into freelance content writing. She has published an award-winning book of collected poems titled Myriad Whispers, available on Amazon. When she’s not writing, she enjoys listening to music, exploring the outdoors, and scanning local bookstores.

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