Author: Kinjal Jain

Happiness comes in waves & so do new beginnings. Letting go of what you think your life is supposed to look like is always a new beginning.
A new beginning, a new outlook towards life. Welcoming the change you require just not to sustain but enrich the meaning of life you are blessed with.
No one is born perfect. So when we walk, we fall, we stumble & we learn.
Be brave to accept your mistakes & defeats. Because every fall is a hope of a new beginning.
A new beginning is the joy of little things you did that you never believed could ever happen to you.
A victory over all the odds you fought even if it did not make sense to anyone.
A finding of new little you to cherish, to raise confidence & most importantly feel worthy.
New beginnings aren’t that superficial but achieving them isn’t incomprehensible either.
So dip in that passion to breathe out what you hold, it won’t be a quick race but how you hold in it, would be all the anxiety it seizes.
The little butterflies that grow. And near & real the charm of thy rose. The dreams are taking flight. Crossing the edges of life. With a snippet of fear, Still aiming to reach a height. The weather can be fickle. But nothing can stop when your passion triggers. A new beginning, a new chase, And with a stronger faith embrace. Don't worry about the grace, In the ascent of curious lace. Steadily, it will plunge into place. So never make a frowny face.