Author : Amita Raj

In the terrace area of the family flat of my childhood like a museum piece still stands that familiar granite clothes washing stone. Facing it is a clothes line. In the kitchen corner remains still our untouched chutney grinding stone set. These have been long replaced by modern time-saving technological conveniences like washing machines, clothes driers and electrical food grinders.
Yet, they remain as important reminders of the role of the homemaker and her evolution.
In the days of my grandmother and even my working mother, the lady of the house was expected to handle with ease all the domestic demands ranging from non-stop expert cooking, housekeeping, parenting children, excellence at sewing, etc. My grandmother was quiet and submissive like a shadow behind her overbearing husband, while she fulfilled this exacting role. My working mother struggled with it as well, worse as also provider.
Vanishing fortunately are those unrealistically demanding times. Today’s homemaker is not only a mother and wife, but has some time for her personal goals as well.
Here are some secrets that work for our home:
Cooking could be simplified considerably by preparing some basics that can be frozen and used as needed. Servants today are not only expensive but unsafe and unreliable. So, one can prepare and refrigerate dhal, rice, marinated chicken, ground up ingredients etc, but make freshly on a daily basis, sabjis rotis etc.
Cleaning of the rooms could be divided into specific days for specific areas of the home. Children could also be engaged in dishwashing and laundry while they are quizzed on their mathematical tables and homework.
Grocery shopping could be a fun family get together Likewise is the sharing of duties in organising pujas and parties.
On the social side, I feel that a husband’s business events should not pressure his wife into constantly living upto the impossible image of a stabilizing showpiece, expected to be always present at those events.
In conclusion, I hope that some of my practical secrets expressed here are also relateable to many of today’s wonderful modern homemakers!
Know our Author :

Amita Raj has always loved creating imaginatively rich stories through the melody and colours of language. Her writing talent was sparked off in her childhood at age eight in a classroom assignment where she wrote the autobiography of a pen. Since then, she has been enchanted with writing, also reading and enjoying the works of Rabindranath Tagore, Satyajit Ray Shakespeare and Edgar Allan Poe.
She has been a contributing writer to Deccan Herald, India Currents, Twist &Twain magazine, ArtoonsInn Poetry Parlour , Soul Craft(online) and StoryScrapers.
She looks forward to her ongoing lyrical journey, writing and sharing with the world many more of her short stories, poems and novellas.