Author: Anindita Bhattacharya

I am standing in front of an ocean. The endless waves are touching my feet. The name of the ocean is ” LIFE”. I look forward to the waves which are life’s moments. I was searching for some big achievement to drench me, that special moment to enjoy. But in search of that big moment I lost all my small moments, the moment I listened to Jagjit Singh while enjoying my Darjeeling tea, the moment I was painting my teracotta flower pots, the moment I was enjoying a spa, the moment I got my first orchid bloom, the moment I had some “me time” were all lost in search of some ” we” time.
Somewhere, somehow “I “am lost in that ” WE”. The life moves like a roller coaster , so fast, so happening, I wish I could relive it. In the busyness of life, I forgot to relish the taste of life. The life went by with so many un noticed moments which could be celebrated. That self love was somewhere lost in the duties and responsibilities of life.
Be it the first gift from my special one to the most wanted book gifted by my parents when I was teeanger, all are lost somewhere. Oh! Life, I want to find all those treasures, they are more valuable than the diamond necklace lying in the locker.
Is self love narcissm? This question comes in my mind often, but how can I love someone without loving me? The word ” soMeone has me in it. Yes I say loudly, “I love myself.”I know society will not accept me. But I do not care for that society which denies my feelings. So life take a pause I want to do some corrections with my eraser, and rewrite you with all those ” ME MOMENTS” , which I lost somehow unknowingly.