Just like the seasons of our Earth, we, humankind, too experience seasons of our own. Recognizing and embracing these seasons can lead to profound personal growth and a deeper understanding of one’s journey. The seasons of human life offer insights into navigating these transitions with awareness, elegance, and acceptance.
Each phase of life is unique in its own way and brings forth triumphs and changes. The beauty of the seasons is an excellent source of inspiration, each offering its own aesthetic and emotional resonance.
Let me elaborate on this with an example of Spring, which is the season of beginnings. The fresh leaves and tender blossoms symbolize delicate beginnings, sending a reminder of the beauty in fresh ideas and quests waiting to take shape. The springtime season helps us awaken and perhaps rediscover our purpose in life. It signifies our time to blossom with a new beginning.
Another example I would denote here is the Winter season. This season can inspire reflective and dreamy work, such as poetry, painting, music, and other creative arts focusing on our inner selves. These are often influenced by winter’s tranquil beauty—the cold crispness outside and the warmth of cozy indoors.
To navigate the changing seasons and flow with time, we must learn to ‘not only live but to shine in the season we are in.’ We cannot live in yesterday, and we also cannot live in tomorrow. We may as well immerse ourselves in where we are, for that is living in the present. Otherwise, every season will slip by without us truly perceiving that we were in it.
Be grateful for all the seasons and transitions our life’s journey has to offer. Having faith in the Almighty will only boost our confidence to journey on, as He will never forsake us, however the seasons may be.
– Swati Mohandas

About The Author:
Swati Mohandas is a Philosophy graduate and a certified computer professional from Mumbai, based in Pune with her family for the last two decades. Literature has always fascinated her. She writes short stories, blogs, poems, and has ventured into freelance content writing. She has published an award-winning book of collected poems titled Myriad Whispers, available on Amazon. When she’s not writing, she enjoys listening to music, exploring the outdoors, and scanning local bookstores.