Author: Swati Mohandas

Do you have dreams and passions that are so valuable and close to your heart that you would rather not share with anyone for the risk of being mocked or criticized for it?
Well, we all do to some extent.
On some level, we even hold back our feelings from sharing in the fear that we might get hurt or we may seem vulnerable and others might exploit us.
We must understand that in totality we cannot experience life without getting hurt. You maybe be criticised or your self-respect could be bruised. On this journey of life, damage to your being is possible but in the end life is about learning to just keep living in spite of experiencing fright and humiliation.
We cannot let fear be the reason why we choose to ignore living out wonderful stories. After all, fear can never be entirely eradicated from our lives and that is ‘okay’. If courage is the act of facing your fears then you kind of need a fear to face in order to have opportunities to be courageous.
Each one of us have stories to share which can be inspiring or say magical for the others. A tattered life is way better than living a life sheltered in a cocoon.
Life is meant to be lived at the fullest and one must leave their comfort zone and make priceless and precious memories. We may fall and hit rock bottom however we must rest; replenish our energy and get back up again.
To sum it up, I would like to quote that in the end we only regret the opportunities we hesitated to take. A tattered life is more enriching than a life lived in fear and anxiety.
About the Author :

I am a Philosophy graduate and a certified computer professional from Mumbai and based in Pune with my family from the last 2 decades.
Literature always fancied me. I pen down short stories, blogs, poems and has forayed into freelance content writing. I even published an award-winning book of collected poems titled ‘Myriad Whispers’ which is available on Amazon.
When not writing, I enjoy listening to music, exploring the outdoors and scanning local bookstores.