Author: Uma Natrajan

What a grand privilege it is to celebrate the life with vibrant colors. Whistling and anticipating euphony. Celebrations get us out of our sentimental suffocation . Celebrations are so precious as they parachute our moments of our sadness relieving and pour happiness. Celebrations engage us in organising many activities. Feast, dance, music, party , fireworks etc. Perfumes, fine dresses, balloons, drinks all fetch joy. Celebrations are transitions from monotony. They illumine our lives.
Life is actually full of celebrations. It represents all the excitements. Life provides plenty of opportunities to participate in these celebrations. Right from the birth there is a celebration at each and every level.
Birthday celebrations, wedding celebration, anniversary celebration, festivals celebration, national events celebrations etc. Celebrations brings togetherness and strengthens the bond. Celebrations with discipline and motivation creates unity. Celebrations bring friends and family members together.
Monotonous routine makes life get stagnated. Celebrations create positive vibes. Naturally happiness multiplies when shared, so celebrations are obviously needed. Celebrations are not at all limited to a particular occasion.
Festivals give us opportunity to connect and celebrate.
Every festival has a significant story related beautifully to our life. So life makes it meaningful. Festival represent religion and cultural events. Festivals provide entertainments.
Celebrations are rewarding in every way. Celebration is more of sharing. So one expects also lots of receiving. National festivals are remarkable celebrations like 2 October Gandhi ji’s birthday, 26 th January Republic day celebrations,15th August Independence day, these national celebrations make us remember our history and the martyrs.
Religious celebrations are Id, Diwali, Dussehra, Christmas, Gurunank jayanti, Holi , Sankranti, Rakshabandhan etc. Among these few Seasonal celebrations mark the importance of harvesting. Celebrations in our life act as watering the Life’s plant. Celebrations are not limited to a particular class, rich, poor, middle class all celebrate festivals if not birthdays, as they give importance to the traditional values. Celebration is a tool to bring life in a state of exuberance and enthusiasm.
About the Author:

Uma Natarajan is M.A. in English literature from Gwalior University.
She retired as a Teacher of Higher secondary school teaching, English, Hindi languages in convent schools.
She writes poetries in Hindi and English and have published many articles. She published 18 books on English poetries and 2 on Hindi poetry. She also contributes her English and Hindi poems on many creative writing platforms.