Author: Kinjal Jain

Sometimes, it’s not about ego but respecting the boundaries set. No matter whether it’s exasperation, placation or even antagonism. This palate of emotions are felt and absorbed by all. At times, they get us overwhelmed. Emotions overpower our thought process without an acknowledgment. We start visualizing things as per our expectations. As if everyone is born to love us for everything we do. We somewhere held them responsible for our happiness. In fact no one should be given a right to handle one’s happiness. Because no one can handle it for long. And after a certain point , we start entering an adverse pathway irrespective of any relationships. We start expecting more & more & probably it’s natural human greed for seeking love & attention. If they fail to meet what we expect. Our thinking process is highly influenced and equally affected. We start doubting our selves ,presuming that did we ever go wrong? Since we are dependent on people for sake of our happiness. It makes us powerless. We start feeling unworthy, unhappy and emotionally drained as if we never exist without them. So before people judge us or overrate our emotions and we start taking disrespect from anyone, take a time-out, a space from everything that diminishes our well-being.
Disconnect to connect back to a healthy mental frame of mind. Breathe in your existence rather than theirs. Breathe out the anxiety and insecurities. And it’s okay to be sole. Lesser dependent we are, more confident we are!! Trust me, enjoying our own company is never messy. Even if it’s listening to music, peacefully watching the sunset by sea or probably watching the rains pour through window panes. Do anything that gives peace of mind. To listen to our emotional needs & primarily to stop our transformation into a person, we don’t reflect.
About the Author:

Kinjal Jain, calls herself an alarm clock, a cook, a maid, a teacher, a counsellor & primarily a comforter. She is a “Mum”. She loves reading fantasies, drama & coming-of-age fiction. Passionate dancer & a writer who inks her emotions, inspiring thoughts to make even a small difference to anyone’s life through her writeups. Poetry has always been her first love.
Truly inspiring
Well said and you have inspired me alot….
True to each n every word..????????????????