Author: Anindita Bhattacharya
Diwali , the festival of lights, has always been my favourite festival, each year while lighting the diyas, I wish for the knowledge of light which can enlighten my soul. My luck is my hard work I put into. As Gita says”You only have right in doing the karma and not in the outcome of it.” Diwali is the festival of hope, festival of knowledge, festival of all,it is such a festival which smears its essence on all religions, on all castes, on rich, on poor.
From the highly lighted decorated villas to a simple diya in front of a hut, diwali is everywhere.
But here is my humble pledge, I want to give equality to all, all human beings, overcoming the boundaries of nation, creed, social stigma, the day my dream fulfills, will be my special day. I need help from all in shaping my dream, that Diwali is still not here which lights all corners of society. How can it be a true Diwali even when a single corner is in darkness. Let us pray for hope over despair, light over darkness, win over lose, love over hatred, smile over tears, to prevail everywhere.
I strongly believe working together our dream Diwali will not be far behind. Let the luck of karma bestow its blessings upon us, yes for me the luckiest day of my life was the day I was born. From millions and trillions of lives, it was HIS choice to give me the life of human, the highest form of living creatures.I want to enlighten this gift of God, my life , for amelioration of all.
My life is my luck, I can reshape it with my karma, let this Diwali brings opportunities to all to reshape their lives ,for luck and happiness.
I am so much delighted to read such wonderful story in that it can’t be expressed in any words.
I thank my heart felt congrats to
Anindita for such brilliant write up