Author: Swati Tamhankar Mohandas
Friends – Our extended family.
“The glory of friendship is not the outstretched hand, nor the kindly smile, nor the joy of companionship, it is the spiritual inspiration that comes to one when you discover that someone else believes in you and is willing to trust you with a friendship.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
Friendship is usually between two people whose thoughts, emotions and preferences are the same. Right from our childhood, we all strive to form friendships. Friends add the much-needed sparkle to our life.
Our true friends reside in our inner circle, they truly know us – our core, our vulnerability, even the kind of drink we prefer. They see us at our worst as well as at our best. Some of them do become our extended family, by supporting us in our endeavours or simply coz they know our embarrassing moments.
As we grow, friendships get a bit difficult to maintain as we get busy with work, families of our own, just life in general. We need to make a conscious decision to maintain a friendship. A lot of my dear friends stay miles and miles apart from me and we all may not talk regularly however I am certain that we have not lost our special connection. Whenever we do talk, we pick up the conversation where we had left off earlier.
Friendships take many variations in the journey of our life. In the initial phase of life, we tend to believe that friendship is solely between #peers. Later a close friendship begins to form between your parents and yourself, and much later with your husband and children.
This ‘one of a kind’ evolvement really does feel like winning a lottery!
Social media platforms like #facebook and #whatsapp plays a pivotal role in helping us to reconnect and maintain our friendships all over the world, however, this kind of connectivity has made a ‘phone call ‘obsolete. We have simply stopped having those nonsensical conversations or those peals of laughter. Emojis have replaced our feelings in the conversation which (according to me) doesn’t do the justice of an actual phone call to a friend.
To sum it up, my point of view is the constant presence of friends makes this journey of life memorable and today on the occasion of Friendship day I ask each one of you to join in a Virtual celebratory toast to friendships everywhere!