Author: Anindita Bhattacharya

A loud knock at the door, but I did not open. Have it ever happened to you people also? Well, believe me, it happened to me, who knew it would be a blunder. Yes, my guest whom I turned down was none other but PEACE. Somewhere in the chaotic life of today peace is automatically kept at bay. When its too late we search for it. But yes, better late than never. Finding Peace within is the ultimate difficult task we all are bestowed upon, I guess.
We sit down for prayers, give a tight hug to our near ones, do so many things to find that peace. Life gives so many stresses that the moments to cherish go in a second. Its true we all find peace in nature.
Looking at the rising or setting sun, the waxing and waning of moon, the opening of a bud or whisper of a gentle breeze I find solace. Just close your eyes, think nothing. This nothingness is peace. A brush stroke, filling an empty canvas with all your dream colors, is peace. A balcony full of green plants is peace. Listening to Sitar by Pandit Ravisankar ji is peace. Pieces of this peace are all here and there, attach them with your lives.
But for me I have walked light years in search of peace but no luck. But I realized peace is there within, some quality time with family, a tight hug from family can change things. That bird sitting on the window pane is peace. Actually peace is somewhere hidden in the hustle and bustle of life itself.
About the Author:

Anindita Bhattacharya, who by profession is an Electronics and Communication Engineer, has been residing in Singapore for past 5 years. At present she is a full time mother to her teenage daughter. Writing is her passion which she loved since childhood. Presently she is enjoying her blogging journey on various online writing platforms.