Unlock the power of self-reflection with “The Mirror Within” — a poetic journey through your inner world. This prompt challenges poets to capture the essence of their thoughts, emotions, and personal truths through rhyme and verse. Dive deep into your soul and let the poetry reveal the reflections that lie beneath the surface.
The mirror within is clean and clear,
Flawless, without a blemish,
The mirror has guided me,
Through the joys and sorrows of life.
And it will guide me beyond this life.
The mirror within is my soul,
My conscience, it will show me the way,
When I cross the threshold,
It has been my anchor in this life,
It will be my anchor in the infinite ocean.
The mirror within makes me strong,
Helps me to cope with trials and tragedies,
It makes me brave and determined,
To face death without trembling,
To rise above the body weakening.
The mirror within is enough,
To make me tranquil and tough.
– Vasudha Pansare
O mirror !
I often gawk at you to find an image clear.
You always opined my exoteric transitions mere.
But there’s a lot, time has mutated inside dear.
O mirror !
You certainly miss that insouciance, chirpiness in me,
This heart now juggles with tempestuous spree,
How can the face and spirit be deceitful and free.
O mirror!
Most momentous changes have no figures,
Can’t be reflected in measures,
Soul behind this skin keeps on mending it’s fissures.
O mirror!
You have seen me through every phase,
From the days bright to hazed,
A friend indeed,
To whom I can plead.
– Reena Yadav
In quiet contemplation, I sit and sway,
My eyes scan the realm, in introspection’s gentle way.
Life’s grand journey unfolds, with twists and turns divine,
A glass of expectations weighs upon my heart’s sacred shrine.
I question what I have attracted thus far,
The mirror within whispers, “Reflect who you truly are.”
A call to introspect, to shed the worn-out skin,
To unleash my authentic self, and let my spirit reborn within.
The deep voice echoes within my heart,
“Reflect, release, and rediscover your truest part.”
From the weight of expectations, from the need to justify,
I will shine my light, and let my true self soar, wild and free to the sky.
– Mrinalini Saurav Kakkar
My reflection in the mirror gazes back at me,
Revealing the truth, a fear within me.
Tales of the felonies against my body and mind,
Yet, I carry the legacy of womankind.
Wearing a smile to mask the ache,
Feigning strength, a façade I make.
The roar inside me is an accumulation
Of persistent tears, pain, and humiliation.
Train your thoughts to be resilient, as it says;
In this harsh world, keep worries at bay.
Take the dare; be the woman you want to be.
Be fearless, ready to battle, and set your soul free.
Admire yourself as you are—a class so true.
The power shines through, my friend, in you.
– Pragyan Parimita Nanda
Our mind is the mirror within us,
A constant reflection of good and evil.
It is a silent witness to our deeds,
An ever-changing image showcasing how we feel.
The mind is God, our forever master,
Mirroring the unblemished consciousness.
Its radiance dispels the darkness of the world,
When its purity remains untarnished and manifold.
This mirror is the essence of our happiness and pain,
Exposing our deepest secrets, no matter how enshrouded.
For the mind has a thousand watchful eyes;
One may renounce the world, but cannot escape the mind’s inner voice.
– Anwesha Bhattacharya
The mirror within is a mirage of miracles,
Magnificently monitored through each obstacle.
The solidarity of this mirror lies in its hypocrisy;
It often ignores the realities of life’s franchise.
Although it reflects the true conscience,
It aims to act most superfluously precise.
The mirror within is molding into new shapes;
Its reciprocity within us is like grey clouds’ drapes.
Self-assessment was once the mirror’s core,
But notoriety has risen with its fictitious grin evermore.
The element of truth has disappeared,
And the shadow of the mirror is now blurred.
Honesty, loyalty, and truth were buried in the mirror.
Now arrogance, cheating, and fraud dominate its rear.
– Uma Natarajan
Broken shards of glass,
A deep knife in my soul.
When I gaze deep inside,
I find it’s wounded and has holes.
When I try to join them together,
It forms a kaleidoscope,
Like a mosaic stitched with hope.
My soul may be broken,
But broken crayons still color;
It still keeps my spirit higher.
I put balm on my scars,
Though I am imperfectly perfect.
My inner soul still sparks bright,
Radiating a sunlit light.
My inner reflections remind me,
I am a warrior.
I’ve won wars and battles,
Even if you don’t think so.
I do not care what you label me.
I am myself, and Aham Brahmasmi.
– Soma Mukherjee