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My Affirmations, My life journal #WorldMentalHealthDay

Author: Kinjal Jain

Life goes faster than you think.

Problems never stop, they merely get exchanged or upgraded.

It can’t be roses & unicorns all the time.

Let’s not wait for a saviour or a light to pull you out.

While diving in the depth, you need to rose high to watch the sky.

To give yourself a breath, a hope or a vision, to accustom yourself to the facts of life.

  • A vision to leap but not to jump to conclusions.
  • A vision to understand that you don’t get to keep everyone  in your life.
  • Don’t forget to bond with yourself while you bond with others.
  • Do what you like to do, not what others expect you to do.
  • Be in no race with anybody. Climb at your own space .Never dodge for many options. To avoid a fall & break a limb. Get on to a steady step rather than a fumbling stone.
  • Just let things be. let people go. Don’t fight for closure. Don’t chase answers & don’t expect an explanation.
  • Life is better lived when you don’t centre it on what’s happening around you & centre it on what’s happening inside you.
  • It’s time to stop looking for a home outside of yourself.
  • Be your star by accepting your scars.
  • Take time to improve. But don’t take time to prove.An evolution to tell yourself. You are far more worthy than the way you are treated.
  • Love & care for yourself more than you do for people.
  • Owe yourself an apology for letting anyone get too comfortable with treating you like,”You are an average “
  • Never let anyone tell you that “you can’t “ Because can’t is a word you need to eliminate from your vocabulary. Replace it with “strength” not weakness.
  • Be the reason someone believes in good people.
  • Forget those who hurt you yesterday but don’t forget who loves you every day.
  • Forgive others not because they deserve forgiveness but because you deserve peace.
  • I am capable of achieving anything I put my mind to. 

So I do read my affirmations, I learned through my life journal to calm myself & not let a negative mind overpower my peace.

As, negative minds will never give a positive life.

I will not stress over things, I can’t control.

My heart needs rest & so do I.

About the Author:

Kinjal Jain, an alarm clock, a cook, a maid, a teacher, a counsellor & primarily a comforter. She is a “Mum”.
She loves reading fantasies, drama & coming-of-age fiction. Passionate dancer & a writer who inks her emotions, inspiring thoughts to make even a small difference to anyone’s life through her writeups. Poetry has always been her first love.

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