Author: Kirti V

If Public Speaking was an art, then words are the varied hues, the stage, the canvas and the topic becomes the muse.
Public speaking is an avenue to breathe life to our thoughts. It brings to life the emotions that can be understood by the receivers.
The main advantage of public speaking is that one can improvise on his or her words based on the reaction of the audience. That power of improvisation is what the writers or poets lack.
Speaking in front of a live audience requires lots of confidence. Being an orator is not everyone’s cup of tea. It has been observed and proven that great orators are needed to propagate ideologies and thoughts. I believe that orators can make or break a revolution.
Haven’t you observed or heard about the opening phrases of some great speeches?
“Sisters and brothers of America”, said Swami Vivekananda,
“Give me blood, I will give you freedom,” said Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose.
“Four score and seven years ago”, The famous Gettysburg Address of Abraham Lincoln
“I have a dream,” by Martin Luther King Jr.
These speeches had such an impact on its listeners that it stirred up a hornet’s nest. Post these speeches, the people were drawn towards the ideologies that were spoken about. The lines from their speeches are quoted by millions whenever there is a mention about these great orators.
Even now, in the modern world, every campaign is judged by the speech that the leader gives. I personally feel that an aspiring leader should be a wonderful orator. He or she should be able to gauge the pulse of the listener and speak in a way that they are lured to follow them. All leaders can’t be great orators, but all great orators can decide who can be the leader.
About the Author:

A passionate teacher and an accidental writer, Kirti is an orator who loves to speak and recite poems. She is also a voracious reader and an avid quizzer.
Very well expressed and explained Dear Kirti.
Informative! How you speak, how you convey your ideas is important!