AUTHOR: Swati Mohandas

Actions speak louder than words, is a popular saying. It is true no doubt, however, it’s also true that words are powerful. The art of persuasion is mostly about how language affects actions that follows it. Communicating with anyone in a sense that they will believe in the words is all about mental and emotional persuasion.
Gone are the days when a man’s physical appearance was enough to seduce a woman. These days a man has to have the gift of artful, seductive conversation to get the attention of the modern-day woman. Women are much more open to the imagination which is why they prefer men who can drive them crazy with words.
Read on further to learn about pursuing or seducing someone with the use of words :
• Emotional connection – We, women are highly emotional so try and discuss emotional topics and relate to things the woman is passionate about or interested in.
• Speak seductively – Never begin a conversation focused on work or school. Talk about vacation spots, astrology, dreams, sex (sometimes) or anything else pleasurable and intangible.
• Empathy – Empathy is a vital ingredient to seduction. Every woman is different, so you need to tailor your date, your words and actions to that specific woman. You must be able to gauge what she is thinking before you can offer her the pleasure she craves.
• Be authentic – No woman wants to hear unreal stuff that doesn’t reflect who you are. She wants to hear words that come from your heart genuinely. Ensure that your words reflect some part of who you really are.
• Be creative – Love quotes and cheesy pick-up lines are lame to use for any woman. These do not usually work as women prefer men who are creative and original while talking to them.
To sum it up, my point of view is women are more sensitive and receptive to words. A simple and well-crafted text with a few genuine words can do just the trick. The usage of the right words during conversations with her will get her interested in learning more about you.
Wow what an amazing write up.
Thanks a lot @Sarita dear for always reading and commenting on my blogs ????❤