Author: Lakshmi Ajoy

Did you know? The power within You is unknown, fierce, invincible, simply waiting to be explored, the depths of these pathways are dark, but waiting to be illuminated by the sparks of the self within.
The biggest hurdle in the path of progress is underestimating our own potentials and not being able to discover the strength within.
What we give power to, grows!
When you believe that you are powerful and invincible, you are raising yourself to align with the wavelengths of the universe and together conspire towards achieving those long term goals and dreams together. The universe in turn, simply bestows grace and contra energy as an indication to your acceptance and helps to achieve the goals.
On the other hand, if your thoughts and beliefs are negative and do not hold faith, the universe responds by resonating with your inner energies.
That is the power we all hold within us making us truly invincible. Energy is exuded positively or negatively depending upon how we direct our thoughts towards the universe.
Inner belief, along with a firm will to achieve, acquire, access, aspire and accept will make us realise that the power within is too strong to be ignored.
Everyday, just wake up to exploring the self by meeting and acknowledging your own presence in the universe. Communicate with yourself by sending positive affirmations with conviction and faith. Then simply follow your heart and perform your duties with utmost sincerity, firm faith and by sending a positive, healthy response and signals of acceptance to the universe.
Eventually, you will find yourself standing tall in acquiring the desired results owing to the invincible strength, power and abilities that reside within you.
Are you ready yet?
Wow such a powerful beginning of the year. Loved it.
What an inspiring article for the new year. Yes you have written so truly about the power each of us have and our capabilities in bringing it out into this world. Keep it up dearest Lakshmi.
Thanks so much.