Poet: Kanisha Shah

Let me grab this opportunity to describe my experiences with self-doubt including some questionable actions and opinions on my behalf. How one’s harmful thought patterns accompany crises of confidence.
Here’s my poetry on how I overlooked side of pursuing a creative art and how I overcame it.
Self-doubt, many times I feel
Labyrinth of mind in such suspicious mess
Past irritation, will this present still
Yet Let July be July determined for not more than less
From desperation, can I find release
Connecting with unavoidable realm of hope
Within the turbulence, seeking peace
Shall I undergo and not just cope
At times regret deluge thy mind
Anticipating doubts I feel
Sometimes hope seems unfeasible to find
Is it an illusion or is it all real?
Perspective from other place
Temporary relief from hellish bind
Definitely not this adversity I face
‘Transcendental Self’ over senses and mind
As human mind ‘creator and destructor’ from within are same
Choices differ and earn respect with different name
Everyone knows love is the medicine
For every struggle, sufferings and differences
For that the best ingredient is patience
Strength from within is thy faith
Things will be better
Eventhough dreams may shatter
Removing conflict from thy mind
Humans have all best qualities of all kind
If space is given to grow
Life in love is best ever
Where real happiness lies and life goes on in peace
With nothing we come and nothing we go yet fulfillment is the best end point
Art of life is expressing oneself authentically
By going through tempest and trails of life
There is a ray of light, glorious results eagerly waiting
As art of life is renunciation
Goal of life is inner soul satisfaction.