Author : Anindita Bhattacharya

We got a pandora box long back as a wedding gift from my dadi.
My hubby Rohit has always insisted me opening the box which I never did. Dadi has left us long ago but her box is still with us. We care for it. Days passed into months, months into years, tomorrow is our 50th marriage anniversary.
Pragya, our only daughter and Susant, our son- in- law have arranged a mega event. Rohit and I have lived our lives contented to the brim. We raised our daughter well, married her off to a loving son- in- law. They have gifted us with twin grand daughters apple of our eyes , who just completed school.
Remembering old days is always nostalgic. Some tears, some smiles,some fight, some love, some ups, some downs, it was a long journey after all. Marriage in our times was different but I believe the essence is same.
It was close to midnight. The house seemed exceptionally silent after day long hustle and bustle. Rohit and I were sweating,oh why its mid Jan. Have we taken the pressure medicine, yes we never forget. The wooden box was lying on bed. With trembling hands Rohit opened the box. I was standing motionless. To our utter surprise the box was empty. Not a thing, only some torn pieces of velvet cover it had.
We first looked perplexed but what dadi had given us. She gave us an empty box to fill it with rich memories, which we did. The journey of 50 years was filled in the box. Intimacy in marriage is nurturing of our memories, laughing it , crying it, but in the end living it together.
About the Author

I am Anindita Bhattacharya, residing at Singapore since years, by profession an Electronics and Communication Engineer, presently quited job to enjoy time with my teenage daughter, writing is my passion.
I loved writing since childhood, presently a blogger associated with various online writing platforms.