Author: Anindita Bhattacharya

Words create, words destroy. Yes believe me, they really do. A very common say, ” A half filled glass is half empty for some, half full for others.”
Even science says words we say, remains in the universe. It reverberates as an echo.
A kind word, gesture from someone makes the dull day bloom like a sunflower.
A positive word, some vibes, gratitude or love can change the life. The meaning of life is not to run after success, to live a lavish life, earn money, enter a competition. The meaning of life is reciprocating your qualities to others when they are in need. The essence of the magical words can create havoc in others life.
When you are low, you just cannot retire from life, but you have to wipe your own tears and walk straight. Listen to your favourite song, the lyrics create magic, read out a poem loud, the words heal you.
Grab the cell, have a chat with your childhood friend, who knows, his or her words may solace you.
In this world of uncertainity invest in family, true friends, your simple hobby, healthy habits, rather than investing in mutual funds. Trust me you will get good returns, without worrying about statutory warning of market risk factors.
Create your own mantra, your own words, these words protect you from the bad times of life.
On the contrary I must mention the words that pull you down, demotivate you, the harsh words, unkind words,destroy life. I believe in UBUNTU, humanity.
” I am because we are.”
I have read somewhere that there is a tribe residing in Solomon islands who use curse or poisonous words near a tree which they want to cut. Surprisingly the tree dies after few weeks.
I have not seen these, neither do I believe in curses, but nature also wants to hear good words, I suppose.