Author: Kinjal Jain

It’s rightly said, “When you are willing to feel it, you can heal it.”
Letting go of what you can’t control even if it’s difficult to face it.
Healing is curing & growing with patience. Healing doesn’t mean the damage never existed. It means that damage no longer controls your life.
You never know; how strong you are until you forgive someone who wasn’t sorry & accept an apology you never receive.
Forgive others not because they deserve it but because you deserve peace.
If you continue carrying bricks from your past, you will rebuild the same house. So, forget who hurt you yesterday for those who love you every day.
“ What breaks you, won’t heal you.
What loves you, won’t leave you”
You will cross paths with different people & it will not always turn out the way you wanted,
Just make sure when it comes to choosing how you treat yourself, choose kindness.
Time has that healing power
But on an activated mode only if you are willing to accept & move on.
Don’t chase answers & explanations.
No one answers anything unless you are important to them.
And if you are important, they will never give up.
It’s just pure acceptance that it’s not necessary to receive the same amount of emotion you feed in!
It’s a bitter sad truth of life.
Turn the tables by raising a positive life by letting go & forgiving yourself & others.
“If you are brave enough to say goodbye, life will reward you with a new hello”- Paulo Coelho
About the Author:

A Mumbai-based homemaker & a mother of a teenager with a passion for crafting words with her ink.