Author : Anindita Bhattacharya

I was in pain. I was alone. The severe anguish wanted a bout of cry to relieve but my eyes were dry. Not a drop. The 9 months went by. My womb was empty.I was shattered. The loss of my first child was devastating. I wanted to stay calm, to stay strong but could not. I remember even today that unconsolable me heard a whisper from somewhere,” Lean on me. I am your place of solace. I am your bestie. I am your everything whom you can rely.
“ I thought might be my husband who was strong and always consoled me saying,” Do not worry. Be strong. Medical negligencies happen. Some day we will be proud parents.” Years went by. GOD listened to our prayers gifted us with the most precious gift we can get ever, our beloved daughter.
But through all ups and downs of life I desparately searched for the whisper, “Lean on me.” Gradually over the years through turmoil of relationships I realised the whisper may not be from my childhood friend ,my present hubby.
Then , who? Might be my baba. He has always been my pillar of strength throughout my life. But I was confused. Then my ma or my the then unborn baby. But somehow the words came from none of them. As years passed I realised the words were MINE. Yes that lean on “ME” was myself. Whenever I am lost, alone, hurt I share with myself. I am my best friend, my judge. I can rectify mistakes. I know at the end of the day I can lean my tired soul and mind on my shoulders who never betray me.
About the Author:

I am Anindita Bhattacharya, residing at Singapore since many years, by profession an Electronics and Communication Engineer, presently quited job to enjoy time with my teenage daughter, writing is my passion.
I loved writing since childhood, presently a blogger associated with various online writing platforms.