Author : Anindita Bhattacharya
LOVE” the four letter word knows no boundaries, no caste, no religion, All it knows is to overcome all the hurdles in its path.
Well ,when I fell in love, I was young , not even adult. We studied together. The journey was bumpy. Future unknown, so many advices, many family debates, different caste, same age, all together, our love life was full of hurdles.
The journey was long, itenerary unknown ( 9 yrs of courtship), 5 year long distance relation but we won the battle. I thought all problems are solved but love is like a growing plant, you need to groom it so that it gives flowers. Without grooming the plant will die.
So there is an art of maintaining your love healthy, no matter which relationship it is. Even the love between a mother and child is conditional , yes I know some will deny, but I strongly feel it. Somewhere I have read the child is a part of mother’s body, so bond becomes such strong.
My love story may not be perfect, we have arguments, difference of opinions but its all about understanding these differences and accepting each other.
I know and I confess love cannot be only pure bliss. There are so many differences but we try. Whatever the situation may be we look back, yes thats our courage, our secret elixir.
I think everyone has some or the other. Love knows no limits, but sensibly is it true? The answer is ” NO”. Our life gets in touch with so many people, so many incidents , so many happenings, our views change, our likes dislikes change, so do our love changes. When we are young our life centres around parents, siblings, as we grow up friends become our everything. Then as we get married our soulmate becomes all, then as we move to develop a family, our kids become our most loved ones.
My love story was long but beautiful whether perfect or not but perfect is nothing and our journey of love is on since last 24 years.
Love knows no boundaries because we cross every limit to conquer.