Author: Swati Mohandas

Throughout the day, our mind is filled with incessant ‘chattering’ about our desires, hopes and fears which takes us either towards ruminations of the past or makes us think likely and foresee about our future.
Our mind wants to tackle numerous issues, complete all unfinished tasks and at the same time figure out if everything is going to be ‘alright’. When we have a lot going on in our lives our mind tends to feel out of control, we begin to feel helpless and stressed which in turn makes us unhappy.
In our quest to maximise the day, do we allow our minds to rest?
We must try to attain peace in midst of this chaos by calming our mind?
I have mentioned below, few pointers to calm the mind as well as seize the day :
1. Make a list of all the things you need to do. Pour your mind onto your notepad. Sort them. Group them. Prioritize them.
2. Assign each day or maybe a fixed time to tend to the things on your list.
3. Multitasking doesn’t work always. Do one task at a time. It might even be a good thing to slow down. Focus on one task completely then move onto another.
4. Ask for help. If you are getting overwhelmed with the messiness in your life, ask for assistance from your friends or relatives to get you organised.
5. Lastly, sit at a quiet spot for 5-10 minutes daily. Let the thoughts come and go. With practice these thoughts will reduce.
To sum it up, my point of view is that our mind is already brilliant, abundant enough and beautiful, everything we need is already contained in us. Awareness is the answer key here.
Rest whenever you are overwhelmed with the tasks at hand. Let the mind relax and get hold of our being. It’s a lifetime practice to attain mindfulness but not impossible.
About the Author :

I am a Philosophy graduate and a certified computer professional from Mumbai and based in Pune with my family from the last 2 decades.
Literature always fancied me. I pen down short stories, blogs, poems and has forayed into freelance content writing. I even published an award-winning book of collected poems titled ‘Myriad Whispers’ which is available on Amazon.
When not writing, I enjoy listening to music, exploring the outdoors and scanning local bookstores.