Author: Swati Mohandas

How many of us live life behind a disguise – a mask of self assurance, confidence, perfection, efficiency and so on?
We all do. We all wear masks.
During the course of the day, we can use masks as a camouflage to help get us through a variety of situations. The real issue with disguise is when wearing one becomes the norm and we lose ourselves in the process of trying to please others.
What mask do I show to the outside world – to family, friends, colleagues and so on? I portray things like, ‘I am confident’. I am in charge’ but sometimes there are days when I smile to hide the pain in my heart? I laugh to conceal the tears in my eyes?
What are you hiding behind your disguise?
Maybe you behave in an outgoing manner at a party with your friends, but you may actually feel shy. Maybe you are the last person others would say has any problems but in reality you are crippled with anxiety. Maybe your relationship with your partner is struggling but you put on a mask of happiness around others.
Have you been wearing the disguise for so long that you have actually forgotten who you are underneath?
I read it somewhere that the Japanese say that we all have three faces :
1. The first face is the one which we show to the world.
2. The second face you show to your close friends and your family.
3. The third face, you never show anyone. This face is the truest reflection of who you are.
Why do we do this?
Could it be that we have an absolute fear that if others saw us for who we believe we truly are, that they wouldn’t like or accept us? How many of us go through life thinking that we are not good enough, clever enough, interesting enough – fearing the opinion of others if they were to actually see the ‘Real’ you? The ‘you’ who bows to society, family pressures and expectations for fear of being judged.
To sum it up my point of view isn’t it time to move towards a new beginning? In this whole scenario of hiding our emotions, in reality we are simply concealing our vulnerability. And yet, our vulnerability is what connects us all. When we all accept our true, authentic, free and sensitive self only then we will be able to connect perfectly with each other.
About the Author:

I am a Philosophy graduate and a certified computer professional from Mumbai and based in Pune with my family from the last 2 decades.
Literature always fancied me. I pen down short stories, blogs, poems and has forayed into freelance content writing. I even published an award-winning book of collected poems titled ‘Myriad Whispers’ which is available on Amazon.
When not writing, I enjoy listening to music, exploring the outdoors and scanning local bookstores.
How beautifully you explain everything, I am sure like me many readers must easily relate to everything you write, as you write with your thoughts keeping everyone in mind. Very well articulated.
Thank you so much for your lovely words and I am glad my write ups strike a chord with my readers.
Thank you so much for your lovely words and I am glad my write ups strike a chord with my readers.