Author: Swati Mohandas
Wondering what ‘Vitamin H’ means? Never heard of this right, well, H stands for Hugs – the most essential human touch.
At any age, at any time and at any place a hug is the genuine expression of a soul. Hugs are free, all-natural and create a sense of connection. Hence, for me it qualifies as one of the essential vitamins.
During a hug, we release Oxytocin, a hormone that relaxes us, elevates our mood and lowers anxiety, our heart rate and blood pressure, it also gives our immune system a healthy boost. Hugging increases our ability to control our feelings and generates happiness. So much goodness from something so easy, right!
I would like to confess that I have never been the kind of woman who felt easy displaying love and affection but over the years my husband taught me how to show my love towards the people I care for. He has taught me the ‘power’ of a hug.
When you are hugging your kids, do not be the first one to let go, you don’t know how long they need it. Hugs increase trust which is indispensable in building a strong interpersonal relationship or parent-child bonding.
In these times of Pandemic and social distancing, virtual hugs or emojis are making up for the actual hug. The physical aspect doesn’t occur but the emotional message and content are the same.
To sum it up, my Point of View is that we should make hugging our loved ones a daily ritual. To fellow parents, never stop hugging your children, irrespective of their age and to children, don’t stop asking for hugs from your parents no matter what the situation is, because I have learned that one bear hug is more significant than a thousand words.
Love and Hugs